Almost done (son has taken the photos):

DH made me a huge wooden a pair of dividers and we also used different sized pot lids. Son had told me a lot about his dream-wall, so I made a draft in PowerPoint, he approved it (it’s a good thing to have a teenager’s approval BEFORE doing the job!) and then I painted. He was VERY excited with the result and sent SMS’es to all his friends. He could not believe I was that good at it. :) Everybody envy him for his nice room. He had planned everything to be black’n’white –from furniture to candles and vases, so he got it precisely as he wanted. We told him that if he saved half of the amount for the furniture, we would give him the other half.
Here he is – the happy owner (not very spoiled, ha!):

His room seen from his door – biiig smile:

The pictures on the wall at the right are my draft made in PowerPoint:

My signature:

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