I have made an advent calendar for my parents for 29 years, this year will be the 30th time. I embroidered a snow landscape in 1981, the last year I lived with my parents, of fabric and yarn remnants from my school. My mum and I love snow landscapes. I asked my granny to buy small rings (for the gifts) in Copenhagen (where it was much cheaper), since I obviously didn’t have any money. The first year they got one piece of chocolate to share each day, and a little gift the 24th. Later they got two pieces of chocolate and a gift every day - they open the gifts by turns.
I buy gifts all year long, except in January, so when I find something nice I buy it and store it in a box in my basement. This way it is neither expensive nor hard. What gifts do they get? Well, everything from spices, mini bottles of shampoo and soap, gift cards, movies, candles, napkins, ribbon, tape – I try to find things they can use, so they don’t drown in a lot of thingamabob. But some Christmas decorations are also found on the calendar, my mum loves glass ornaments for the tree, so I always find some beautiful ones for them.
And I also take care the calendar looks decorative:
The 1st December the calendar was placed on the cupboard, and when my parents had opened their gift after dinner, then they had to hurry up opening his gift – or he would get very noisy! An advent calendar for dogs is like a chocolate calendar, just with dog goodies instead of chocolate. The 24th there are extra goodies and after he had ate them, he got the calendar to examine carefully so he was sure there were no more goodies left. The 25th everything was OK, he knew it was over – no more noise.
But now Luffe is in dogs’ heaven, so I will not be buying a calendar for him this year – makes me a little sad.
What a nice story! We always hang a stocking on the chimney for each of our pets and every year, Santa stuffs their stockings with joyful treats and goodies. Plus, our dogs have always helped open all the Christmas gifts under the tree for the whole family but they would never, ever, have done so until it was Christmas morning. Go Figure! .. PS. We are still very ill after 21 days and DH now has double Pneumonia. Tired of being so ill here this year...Don't mind me if I am quiet, now you know the reason.
SvarSlet-> Flaurella, why shouldn't our lovely (and spoiled) pets don't have gifts too? Our cats and dogs have always got Christmas gifts under the tree too. And they danced around the tree "singing" with us - what a noise. ;)
SvarSletI'm sad to hear you are both still ill, I'm sending lots of healing vibes for you, so you can feel good again and enjoy December.